Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism

In 2017, I worked as a curatorial consultant for an exhibit in the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism at the Dongdaemun Design Plaza. Curated by Dr. Annie Pedret, From the Functional City to ‘Total Function’: Planning the Modern City, 1925-1971, explored major issues of urbanization and modernity as reflected in the debates of the International Congress of Modern Architecture (CIAM). Annie's graduate design seminar at Seoul National University focused on the exhibition planning process, providing the students with firsthand experience in developing curatorial content and designing the installation. I was a guest lecturer in the seminar over the course of the semester to guide the curatorial and exhibit designing processes. The exhibit content was based on extensive architectural research, but the gallery space was limited. To address this challenge without compromising the breadth and depth of research, we developed an interactive personal experience for visitors to engage with the material. By mounting photographic reproductions of key images along with informational text on pages that could be flipped through, visitors were encouraged to closely examine the imagery and learn about the history of modern architecture in an individualized manner.